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Finding Center + Lunge in a Box

Monday Jul 3rd, 2023 11:00am to 11:45am ET

Geneva Jimreivat (she/her)

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Geneva grew up doing yoga, and the practice has always been a comfortable space to which she can return for self-exploration. Geneva holds a B.S. in Kinesiology from the University of Maryland, took her first teacher training with YogaFit in 2018, and completed her 200-hour teacher training at Willow Street Yoga Center in 2019. She believes that when students are given space and support, the yogic principles of steadiness and ease can be realized in all movement, on and off the mat. Her classes bring a blend of breath, introspection, functional movement, and anatomy that will inform your understanding of the physical properties of each position–but most importantly, empower you to recognize and create a personal relationship to your unique yoga practice.

This class builds on the teachings from Level 1 and Level 1/2. More complex pranayama may be taught as well as more challenging physical poses. Chaturanga and Urdva Dhanurasana will be introduced at this level. Some basic inversions and arms balances may be taught in this class.