New Here? Welcome!

Francesca Cervero looking off camera and smiling and waving hello.

Here’s how our online classes work

View the schedule and register for a class HERE.

We recommend registering for classes at least 6 hours in advance when possible.  In some cases, when one registers moments before a class, our email confirmation & email reminders come so fast, email servers mark our emails as spam.

Step 1:  Register for your class

Step 2:  You’ll receive an email confirmation

Your confirmation email will hold the Zoom link for the class.  Each class has a unique Zoom link.

Step 3:  Before class, you’ll receive an email reminder

Approximately 20 minutes before class, an email reminder will be delivered holding the Zoom link for the class as well as a link to a Spotify playlist and recommendations for the yoga props you might need that day.

Step 4:  Ensure your computer & mat is set up properly

We would love to be able to see you well, and if you are able to set your computer like this, at least 6 six from your yoga setup, it gives us the best view! If you’re not able to do that for any reason, don’t worry! Your teacher will still be able to see and support you even if you don’t have enough space to give them a horizontal view of your mat.

A graphic of a person in a kneeling position with their arms in front of them. They are on a grey rectangle. To the right of them is a laptop computer with an arrow below it pointing up. A dotted lined box is around the person and box.

Step 5:  Approximately 5-10 minutes prior to class, click on the Zoom link. 

You’ll enter a virtual waiting room and your teacher will admit you a few minutes before class is going to start. Please have your props ready and your playlist cued (if you want to use the teacher’s playlist) before joining the class.  Your teacher will begin the class on time!

You will be muted upon entering the Zoom room, but feel free to unmute yourself to introduce yourself to your teacher and share any requests you have for class! 

A view of a desktop computer screen with a Zoom call. Francesca Cervero is facing the camera in one box and yoga students in various postures and in the other seven.

Step 6:  Enjoy the practice!

Step 7:  Approximately 24 hours after class, the audio recording of the class will be emailed to you.

Step 8:  Register for your next class!

Bookmark this scheduling link and join us again soon!


  • Stillness + Movement is a virtual yoga studio created and held by Francesca Cervero. We offer sustainable, mindful vinyasa flow classes.

    We weave thoughtful vinyasa flow movement practices with Buddhist teachings because we love the way sustained movement and deep presence complement each other. We combine awareness, breath, and vinyasa with somatic practices and functional strength training to fill the movement gaps left in the way asana is often practiced in the west.

  • Stillness + Movement welcomed it’s first student on March 25, 2020.

  • Great question! You can read our teaching philosophy right here!

  • Francesca Cervero has been a full-time yoga teacher since 2005. Her teaching is inspired by her foundational training at OM Yoga Center, the years she spent as a dancer and the subsequent years she spent in physical therapy. Her teaching is also influenced by her love of Buddhist teachings and a constant curiosity about anatomy and biomechanics. She is in private practice teaching a full schedule of 1×1 clients, mentors yoga teachers in The Science of the Private Lesson™and hosts the podcast, The Mentor Sessions: Support & Strategy for Yoga Teachers.

  • To learn more about our teachers, click here!

  • We love props and use them quite a lot in our teaching. Most yoga props can be created with things around the house if needed. In place of a yoga strap you could use a scarf or tie. Instead of a yoga bolster you can use firm couch or bed cushions. Instead of a yoga blanket you can use bath towels or any firm blanket. If you don’t have tennis balls you can use a rolled up pair of thick socks.

    The one prop we feel is hard to replace with a household item is a yoga block. These or these are our favorites, but anything this shape will do, including large tupperware containers. A firm-bottomed chair is also really wonderful to have if you don’t have blocks.

  • You’ll receive an email 30 minutes prior to class with the suggested props and Spotify playlist.

  • Classes are taught in specific levels. Everyone is welcome in all classes, but we are clear about what does and does not happen in each level so students can make empowered choices about what kind of physical practice is right for them.

    We don’t believe in a universal, prescribed kind of progress, but do we believe that everyone’s needs can be best met when there is a system of leveled classes, with clarity about what is taught in each class, so students are able to make informed choices and know what to expect in each class.

  • Of course! Click here to read the class descriptions.

  • We teach with primarily verbal cues. We believe we can offer the most help to our students if we can actually see them, so this means we teach with primarily verbal cues, and we do very little physical demonstration.

    We believe this way of teaching helps students drop deeper into presence, and is another way our teaching reflects our values. With limited physical demonstration, the focus moves away from the aesthetics of a shape and towards the experience of the practice. In our view, this is much more important. We are also able to adjust our own cueing, language, and sequencing when we can clearly see how it is landing with our students. We adjust ourselves so we can meet our students where they are and give them what they need.

  • Classes are taught on Zoom where your teacher can see you, offer you support and suggestions as well as alter their own language, cueing and sequencing to meet the needs of the students that are present. The classes are taught with mostly verbal cues, so you don’t have to watch the screen the whole time and are able to turn your attention inward and be inside your own practice.

  • If you have not used Zoom before check out this Zoom How-To Manual we made for you, and don’t hesitate to reach out to Jess at if you have any questions!

  • We would love to be able to see you well, and if you are able to set your computer like this it gives us the best view! If you’re not able to do that, don’t worry! Your teacher will still be able to see and support you even if you don’t have enough space to give them a horizontal view of your mat.

  • Our 45-minute classes are $12. Our 75-minute classes are $14. You’ll receive an audio recording of the class which is yours to keep! Click this link to register.

  • We do! We have a 10 Class Card available for $115. Click here to buy your card.

  • Because everyone who registers for class gets the audio recording to keep permanently, we don’t have a way to cancel registrations if a single class was purchased. If you have a class card however, you are able to cancel classes!

  • To register for a class once you’ve purchased a class card:

    1. Visit

    2. Tap on “Log In” in the upper right corner of the screen

    3. Log in with the username & password you created when purchasing the card

    4. Once logged in, you’ll see the number of classes remaining on your card and a “Register for Class” button beneath

    5. Tap on “Register for Class”

    6. Scroll to the class you’d like to register for

    7. Tap on “View Details”

    8. And “Register”

    Click here to watch a short video of these steps.

  • Because you registered for class with your class card, you’re able to cancel the registration! Here are the steps:

    1. Log into your account

    2. Tap on the class you need to cancel

    3. Scroll down below the class description

    4. Tap on “Cancel registration”

    Click here to watch a short video of these steps.

  • When you sign up for class you should immediately get an email with the Zoom link for your class. Thirty minutes before class starts you will get a reminder email that has the Zoom link for class as well as a link to a Spotify playlist and recommendations for the yoga props you might need that day.

  • No. Each class has a unique Zoom link.

  • No. However! We know that some of you love to practice with music so some teachers will make and share a new playlist with you! For now, these playlists are made on Spotify, and they will only play in order (and ad-free) if you have a paid Spotify account. We are working on creating another system to share music with you, but for now, we only recommend using our playlists if you have a paid account. We will share the link for the new playlist with you in the email reminder you get 30 minutes before class starts.

  • Follow us here!

    Francesca on Spotify here

    Geneva on Spotify here

    Hannah on Spotify here

    Megan on Spotify here

    Samantha on Spotify here

    The yoga music playlists can be easily found under their profiles. Each teacher will share the link for the new playlist with you in the email reminder you get 30 minutes before class starts.

  • All classes will be recorded and the audio recording will be shared via Dropbox in an email 24 hours after the class ends.

  • No! The audio recordings are yours to keep permanently.

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    Stillness and Movement is a virtual yoga studio offering various levels of online yoga classes taught by experienced yoga teachers using video conferencing software. Classes are accessible and welcoming, and you can join from anywhere.

    Online Class Terms | Terms of Services
    Copyright 2024 Francesca Cervero Yoga | All Rights Reserved

    Website design by Elyse Robertson Creative LLC