Trish Baird

I left with an entirely different mindset than how I came in; being freshly out of my Yoga Teacher Training I was still absorbing and processing the immense amount of knowledge that was covered in the past six months.  I felt unsure of what my skills were, what I had to offer, and if I was even teacher material;  I was subconsciously  disappointed in my skill level and knowledge; I unrealistically wanted to be better than how I perceived myself to be.  I was not meeting myself where I was!

After leaving your course I left understanding that what I had to offer was exactly what others needed to receive.  I left with the knowledge that if I just relaxed and trusted myself I would be able to provide a service to people who are looking for the exact thing that I had been looking for, and I knew I would be able to teach them with this very complex and multifaceted tool called yoga.