{video} What To Do When You’re Overwhelmed by Information

Are you overwhelmed by all the information that is available to yoga teachers? Do you try to take as many courses as you can, read all the books you can get your hands on and follow all your favorite yoga teachers on social media only to feel so overloaded with information that you are unable to integrate it into your teaching? Watch this video to hear my thoughts on this and comment below and let me know what follow up questions you have!

ALSO: If you are ready to dive deep into the heart of your teaching practice, with a supportive mentor by your side, this is your chance, my dear. I can’t wait to hear from you!

7 Responses to “{video} What To Do When You’re Overwhelmed by Information”

  1. Elaine Cody

    Thank you for your wise and thoughtful words. Yes, I think it is a combination of being excited to learn more and always looking for ideas and inspiration to bring to my students combined with a feeling of insecurity at times. So much of what you say rings true- integrating what I already know and talking about what I feel are the most important teachings of Yoga to share, I do have local yoga teacher BFFS to share info and ideas with. Hope to maybe have a more formal mentor at some point in the future. Thank you for taking the time to answer this question! Xoxo

    • Francesca Cervero

      Yes, you are so welcome! I think this is a really under-talked about issue for yoga teachers these days. Thank you so much for bringing this to us! We all feel this sometimes, and it is a necessary part of the process to get these thoughts and questions out of our monkey mind and into the collective consciousness. 🙂

  2. Becky Mills

    It’s so nice to hear those words, it really was like you’re reading my mind! Knowing that this is very normal/usual for teachers is comforting and reassuring. I’ve got several online courses on the go at the moment that I’d love to finish but work (earning regular money) takes presidence, I’m feeling easier now from you wise words to get to them when the time is right. Thanks Francesca

    • Francesca Cervero

      Oh, I am so happy to hear that Becky! Learning and absorbing new information is not a process that can be rushed; it makes sense to give yourself lots of time and space. Sending love your way!

  3. Melinda Janofsky

    This video really speaks to me. Last summer, I moved to a new area and had to start all over as a teacher. I felt really overwhelmed trying to find classes to teach and where to practice myself. I really connected with the signing up for more training makes you feel more confident thought. I thought if I had more tools in my pockets it would make me more knowledgeable. What I found instead, was that I now know a little about a lot of modalities and now struggling to figure out what to focus on. Great advice on turning off the flow of information in and focus on digesting! I look forward to listening to more of your advice!

    • Francesca Cervero

      I am so happy to hear that Melinda! Yes– I get it. I have been there too. All we can do is put one foot in front of the other. I’m honored to be on this journey with you! <3

  4. Lindsay

    I love the idea of a mentorship. How do I establish that kind or relationship? Do people usually do it for free or is there a cost associated with it?


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