{video} Try This At Home Teaching Tip #5: Take Good Notes From Private Sessions

I get asked all the time for recommendations about how to keep good notes from sessions with private yoga clients. This short video will give some of my best suggestions including which apps I suggest you use, why it shouldn’t take more than 5 or 10 minutes and how this note taking will impact your teaching!

10 Responses to “{video} Try This At Home Teaching Tip #5: Take Good Notes From Private Sessions”

  1. tz

    Good ideas…’wrong’ app. As health professionals we are obligated to keep personal health info (PHI) private under HIPAA laws. Google etc can get receive and hold all our info on devices. I suggest a Therapy app. Maybe mindbody, or theralink. I know that you are wanting to make things easier for yoga teachers/therapists…but they can get into trouble if they dont keep info private. (Odd what the Gov. Decides to enforce for the ‘protection’ of citizens.) Thank you for your videos and sharings.

    • Francesca Cervero

      Ah, yes… thanks for this! While there are yoga teachers who also work as health professionals, most yoga teachers are not health professionals, right? While I adhere to most HIPAA regulations anyway, I just want to make sure yoga teachers are staying within their scope of practice and are not assuming their are health professionals if they aren’t. Does that make sense?

      • Christine Stump

        Yes! Notes are essential and most of us, gratefully, aren’t “health care professionals” – after all, yoga has a view of health, wholeness and healing all its own that isn’t a reductive model, like allopathic medicine. I keep paper notes on a form I’ve developed over the last 10 years that documents their general goal, current specific goal, progress, techniques we’ve added and ones that are working and should be retained. I often will send them a video of specific things I suggest they do in between times as well, recorded during their session so it’s not extra time but sky rockets the benefits they receive.

      • Francesca Cervero

        That sounds like a great system Christine, thank you for sharing!

  2. Lisa Latimer

    Thank you Francesca. This is helpful. I was taking notes before and adding them to my cloud invoice, but I found it was taking too long so I stopped. I definitely agree with you. Even with working with clients regularly, it’s helpful to know what was done so that I can change it up. Thanks for keeping it simple.

  3. Vanessa Renn

    Thank you Francesca, very helpful video! I have always been a bit ‘old school’ carrying notebooks with me that I have my class plans in and have just started moving stuff into the notes app. So this video was very well timed for me. I have also been doing more privates and one of them is pretty committed to seeing me now on a regular basis.. So it’s nice to know the notes I have been keeping about him are on the right track.
    Ps, I LOVED those sequences you posted on Instagram a little while ago and have been using them in my classes. My students have given me very positive feedback 🙂

    • Francesca Cervero

      Oh awesome, I’m so happy it was perfect timing! Keeping notes in pen and paper is great too. I just also prioritize keeping things simple. 🙂 And I am so happy to hear you and your students enjoyed those sequences I shared on Instagram recently. I’ll try to share more soon!


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