43: Practicing and Teaching Meditation with Cyndi Lee

Many yoga teachers want to have a meditation practice, or feel like they should have a meditation practice but don’t for some reason.  Other yoga teachers practice meditation but feel shy or uncertain about how to incorporate meditation into their teaching. We are very lucky to have Cyndi Lee (!) on the podcast today, talking us through everything that is important about practicing and teaching meditation in her Classic Cyndi Way: clear, steady, gentle and warm. In this episode you’ll hear:

  • the benefits of a meditation practice and why all yoga teachers should have a meditation practice

  • how to go about building a home meditation practice

  • Cyndi’s advice for teachers who want to commit to their meditation practice, but struggle to show up regularly for it

  • guidelines for sharing meditation in an asana class

  • advice for teachers who want to incorporate dharma teachings into their yoga classes

You can also check out our previous interview to get to know more about Cyndi and her incredible contribution to the yoga world in Episode #13: Obstacle As Path. Check out all of Cyndi’s offerings:


44: Taxes for Yoga Teachers with Michelle Linane


42: How Side Gigs and Great Referrals Can Build Your Private Yoga Practice with Janie Ganga