How does my Online Training differ from my Live Training?

So, you heard the news right? I now offer The Science of the Private Lesson both in a live week-long training, and a 12 week online training.Woohoo! Blood, sweat, and tears have brought to life work that I feel deeply passionate about, in two totally different formats, and I am so proud of what I have created.

This program {both the live training, and the full online program starting next week} is the culmination of what I know to be most true about the universe from deep within the marrow of my bones.

I love teaching so much. Teaching privately, especially as much as I do, asks me to be incredibly clear, present, and vulnerable. I have found the more I teach from an authentic and deeply present place, the more I show up in the rest of my life in the same way.

Teaching teachers has deepened these lessons for me in a profound way.

I want this work that means so much to me to reach as many teachers as possible, in a way that is meaningful and accessible for them. My hope is that by offering this training in two different formats,  I will be able to reach more people, right where they are.The online training will only be offered once each year. Registration is open from January 21st- February 4th. Click here for basic details about the online training {where, when, how much}.I only have one live training on the calendar for 2015, and it will be in Washington, DC in March 2015. Click here for basic details about the live training {where, when, how much}.

So, what are the differences between the two, you ask?

The content, the student manuals, and heart of the work is the same. The delivery method is very different.In the live training we spend 35 intense hours together in one short week! It is a quick and deep dive into my work. It is an intimate experience where you get to practice teach and get immediate feedback from me about your teaching.  You will get to watch me teach, ask questions about anatomy, and practice hands on adjustments with each other {while I supervise and give advice!} It is super super fun.When I created the online training program, I had already taught this content seven times in a live group format. I thought long and hard about how to take such subtle and intuitive work and make it accessible through a computer screen.This online training embodies the heart of my work and it also answers every single question that came up across the many live trainings I had taught so far. I re-wrote the original student manuals, and they are five times longer than the first versions. Teaching this material live so many times before making the online training made it better.There are many different kinds of media used throughout the online program to make the content meaningful for you. You will get to watch hours of video of me teaching real clients, something you don’t get to see in my live training.You'll have your student manual to go along with audio lecture and presentation slide videos. I walk you through each module, step by step, giving many stories and examples along the way. Plus, while you don't get to see me in person, there are the 12 weeks within the Facebook group that you'll be able to ask questions and hear from me as well as other group members, so you will still get the group interaction and you'll actually have a lot longer to do so! I anticipate this being super super fun also. :-)How do you learn best? In intense, in-person sessions? Or do you prefer time and space to integrate and practice the teachings, while still having access to me for questions?I’d love to have you join me, in either place!


This is my last week in NYC {and the story that brought me here}


That thing you've always wanted to do? Just f’ing do it. {My best advice for a happy and full life.}