19: Integrating Spiritual Teachings Into Asana Classes

This is a favorite, and quite personal episode for me. Today we are talking about integrating spiritual teachings into asana classes. This is a personal favorite because this is one of the parts of my teaching that has changed most dramatically since I began teaching in 2005.

When I was a new teacher most of my yoga practice focused on movement and asana, and I didn’t have much experience in a mature spiritual practice. As a new teacher at OM Yoga Center I began to study buddhism and while the teachings resonated very deeply with me, I wasn’t ready to share them from the teacher’s seat for a long time. I think this is common!

I know that many new teachers are moved and inspired by the spiritual teachings of yoga but are unsure how to interweave those teachings in a movement based practice. Today we’ll talk about my journey on my spiritual path, and when and how I integrate my secular buddhist studies into my asana classes. I’ll share some guides to help you find and settle into a spiritual practice that will come through in your asana teaching in a natural and authentic way.

Resources mentioned in this episode:


20: How To Teach An Open Level Vinyasa Class- LIVE MENTOR SESSION


18: Staying Inspired in ALL Your Teaching with Guest Teacher Jennifer Brilliant