Five ideas for finding your first client...

Today’s blog post is inspired by a great question from a member of our community::

“Thanks for this first video and all the information you provided. I've just moved to a new area and am having difficulty obtaining that first private client that will get the ball rolling. I'm teaching at several studios but would rather add private clients so I don’t have to take on so many classes. Any advice for a newly relocated teacher trying to develop private clientele?”

If you have been hanging around with me for a while, you know I advocate for a style of teaching that has your current private clients doing your marketing for you. I want you to teach your classes and students in a way that facilitates deep and meaningful change in your students lives, and has clients banging down your door trying to squeeze into your busy schedule. I don’t want you to have to constantly work to find new clients.With that said, I know getting started and finding a first private client can seem daunting, so here are some ideas::

  • The first step here is to get comfortable talking about what you do and why. If you love teaching private lessons {and especially if you are specifically trained to offer private lessons, wink.} you should mention that whenever anyone asks you what you do. Have a simple and clear “elevator pitch” at the ready. Something like: “I teach yoga, and I specialize in private lessons. I LOVE teaching in that way because I get to create really specific sessions that help my clients in exactly the way they need in the moment!” You should succinctly differentiate the benefits and outcomes of a private class compared to a group class.
  • Talk to all the students in your public classes after class, make sure they know you teach private lessons, and discuss specific things {poses, injuries, etc} that you could help them with in a private class.
  • Post on, and check out any online community boards that would be relevant to your teaching style or expertise. {EX, If you teach prenatal yoga or Mommy and Me classes, check out New Mom blogs and online community boards}
  • Create relationships with other practitioners who often recommend their patients/clients do yoga. This could be practitioners like therapists, acupuncturists, physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, general internists, or OB-GYNs. Offer them a free private lesson with you so they know what they are recommending! {Again, if you have a specialty or specific expertise, you can reach out to the doctors or therapists that would be best aligned with your ideal client.}
  • Reach out to the head of HR at your office, your friend’s office, or your spouse’s office. Discuss with them any ideas you have about offering yoga in the workplace. It could be a group class at lunchtime once a week, a series of six 30 minute private sessions in an empty classroom or conference room once a month, or anything else you can come up with here. You may end up teaching group classes to start, but you never know where that first private client will come from!

As you know from my story, all is takes is one private client {who has a really meaningful experience with you} to slowly turn into a thriving full time private practice!The point is to get more people practicing mindful, therapeutic yoga and create a life for yourself that you love. You have to be really creative and confident when you discuss with people all the benefits they can receive from practicing yoga!What do y’all think? Do you have any other ideas you would like to add to the list here?


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