12: Creating a Sustainable Movement Practice

If you don’t already know her, I am so excited to introduce you to my friend Brea Johnson from Heart + Bones Yoga. Brea has been a yoga teacher for over 15 years and is also a certified Restorative Exercise teacher. She has the wisdom of someone who has been teaching for many many years and a friendliness that makes her teachings super accessible. :)

Brea feels that integrating functional movement is essential for a life long yoga practice for both you and your students and in this episode we’ll give you lots of ways to make your movement practice sustainable for the long term.

More in this episode:  

  • CrossFit and yoga? Can they coexist?  

  • The 4 Pillars of the Sustainable Yoga Practice

  • How Brea puts together her sequences {Hint: It’s less about sequence and more about intention}

  • How we both feel about interweaving spiritual practice with a movement practice

  • Why adaptability is important

  • How to integrate new things into your teaching without getting overwhelmed

  • Tools for teachers who want to add sustainability practices to their classes

Check out Brea’s website here and find her on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube! Also, Brea has just launched a brand new online Sustainable Yoga Studio! With monthly or yearly memberships you can take yoga classes with Brea from anywhere in the world and experience a progressive approach to yoga that focuses on kind movements, supportive sequences, and playful yet challenging ways of moving. It is a great resource for teachers if you need a little sustainable movement inspiration! Also, make sure to check out teachprivateyoga.com to get a 3 part video series that will help you teach better private lessons!


13: Obstacle As Path with Guest Teacher Cyndi Lee


11: The Yoga of Discernment—What It Is And How To Teach It