My Double Life, and How You Can Help

Y’ALL. I need your help!

As you may know, (or have gathered from social media) I am living a double life.

I spend half my life in New York City, running all over town, teaching my most amazing private clients. I make time to practice with my favorite NYC based teachers, and have lunches and happy hours with my girlfriends. My days are PACKED and often run upwards of 14+ hours long.

I love the busy, exciting city life, but that is not a pace I wish (or am able) to maintain seven days a week.

I spend the other half of my life in Washington, DC. I am a part of an amazing yoga studio and community and I also spend much of my work time here mentoring yoga teachers in the Science of the Private Lesson, I have lots of teachers I like to study with, as well as girlfriends I like to have lunch and happy hour with, and I DRIVE TO GO SEE THEM. For a girl who has spent the last nine years running around NYC like a headless chicken, the joy I feel from sitting down and driving around cannot be overstated.

For the record, I have not been living a normal life in NYC. I have been living a yoga teacher’s life, and luckily for me, a successful yoga teacher’s life. I know I don’t have to explain this to many of you-- it is a HARD life.  I have been BUSY; first building, and then maintaining a thriving private practice. I am on and off the subway so many times every day, for all these years, I have swiped my MetroCard on average of 8-10 times a day.

I’ve been explaining it to people like this: It’s not that I don’t love NYC, because, trust me, I do! It’s just that I used up a lifetime's worth of MetroCard swipes in nine years. I’m all out.

I want to live in a place where I can drive to Whole Foods, and BUY AS MUCH HEAVY SHIT AS I WANT without having to worry about carrying it all home. Kombucha is on sale? Done. Give me 12. It’s going in the TRUNK of my CAR.

Lucky for me, I had this amazing community here for me in DC, and that has allowed me the opportunity to live both lives.

And here is where you come in:

I have the MOST AWESOME clients ever. I took the whole month of August off from teaching, and was just so happy to see them all when I came back in September.. Each one is smart, funny, hard working, and a true joy to teach. My love for my clients is one of the most important reasons I am not leaving NYC completely. (And if you happen to be a client reading this, don’t panic, there are no plans for that in the future.) That said, I will be taking longer periods of time away from teaching (all of August, most of December, most of March) to focus on creating great programs for teachers. Oh, and also to practice what I preach :)

When I came back to NYC in September all of my clients were complaining about their aching backs and frazzled minds. They knew I needed to take a short break from teaching, and were supportive of that, but they felt abandoned. They missed their yoga sessions!

Okay, and here is where you actually come in.

I need some rockstar NYC-based teachers who my clients adore, that can sub for me when I take breaks from teaching. I also need some stellar DC-based teachers who can work with clients there, as I cannot take on full time clients in DC just yet.

I am hoping there will be a few awesome candidates in my teacher training in NYC in November.


Could it be you?


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