10: How Anatomy Studies Changes Our Teaching with Guest Teacher Jason Ray Brown

A deep study of anatomy will change the way you teach. It is empowering, clarifying and fascinating! For example, let’s talk about Warrior 2 alignment. :)

Specifically, I want to talk about that front knee and how on many of our students it drifts towards, and sometimes past, the big toe. What do you suggest your students do when you see that? Do you have a sense of why that might be happening?

Whether you have a few ideas, but you’d like some more suggestions about what to do...


You are 100% sure you know the one reason that happens and exactly what to do about it...


You have no idea why someone’s knee might be doing that in Warrior 2...

...then I’ve got something for you. In today’s episode I’m chatting with my friend and teacher Jason Ray Brown. Jason is a long time yoga teacher and the creator of Anatomy Studies for Yoga Teachers. It is a year long anatomy course that I took in 2010 and it had a HUGE impact on my teaching!

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • All about warrior two leg architecture, several reasons why a student’s knee might drift toward the midline and what to do about it

  • What to look for in tadasana to get an idea of imbalances in strength  

  • Many options for shifting alignment and sequencing to best help our students

  • What Jason sees at the traditional benefits of vinyasa yoga practice  

  • A discussion of pushing and pulling motions and how to incorporate both in an asana class


11: The Yoga of Discernment—What It Is And How To Teach It


9: Useful Language + Our Scope of Practice with Guest Teacher Jules Mitchell