Self Care Sadhana…my morning ritual that changed everything…

Having a consistent, daily contemplative practice has radically changed my relationship with myself.

For many years I had a pretty regular asana/meditation/running practice but it was random and irregular. In the fall {in the midst of some really challenging personal times} I made a very strong commitment to myself and and my daily practice. At the time I made the container very strong, {a minimum of 30 minutes of practice every single morning before I do anything else} and the contents of the container flexible. In the beginning my practice was different all the time.  Sometimes I would I do 20 minutes of seated meditation followed by a few minutes of journaling and other times I will do a 60 minute challenging asana practice.  Sometimes I would rest in one restorative pose for 30 minutes and other times I would sit for short meditation practice and then go for a run.

Over the last 6 months my practice has become more simple and even more consistent. This daily check in helps me remember how to come home to myself so I can hold space for others to do the same. I have always LOVED hearing about other people’s morning practices and rituals and it has helped inspire my own, so I thought I would share my current practice with you here:

  • At night I put my phone in airplane mode before I walk into my bedroom. This is one of the most important and life changing parts of my practice. I am extremely consistent about this and I feel the positive effects of starting my day without that thing in my face every morning.
  • First thing in the morning I heat up water and have a glass of warm water with lemon while I make coffee.
  • I take my warm water and coffee to the cushion with me! Whether I am On Coffee or Off Coffee is one of the great dramas of my life. I am trying to let go of the drama, and since I am sleeping really well {albeit, not quite enough} I am currently On Coffee and enjoying every minute of it.
  • I do a sitting meditation practice for 20 minutes, followed by journaling for as long as I need.

That is it! The practice of consistently choosing to come home to myself in this way makes me feel so loved and taken care of and that impacts the kind of friend, daughter, teacher and partner I can be.

There are a few other pieces of my practice that I would LOVE to do in the morning {so they happen just as consistently as my meditation practice}, but I haven’t quite figured out how yet. They are:

  • 10 minutes of oil pulling
  • 30 to 45 minutes of asana
  • quick 2 or 3 mile run

I still fit those things in most days, but because I don’t have enough time in the morning for everything I am using them as transition practices instead. In some ways, this may be even more valuable!

I used to teach 25 private yoga classes a week, but as I rebuild my teaching practice in a new city I am currently only teaching 11 or 12 classes each week. This means I have more breaks in my day to do computer work {like write this blog!} and I don’t have to work on the weekends, so that is fabulous. What that does mean is that during my work days I am constantly transitioning from one task to another: teach two clients, come home and write a blog post, have a call with a teacher seeing my NYC clients, go out and teach another client, come home and catch up on emails….every hour or two I transition from very different roles and tasks. This can feel challenging and uncomfortable to me, and I often feel the desire to numb out. I catch myself mindlessly scrolling through Facebook, or spacing out eating a snack I don’t really need when I want  a “break”. Now when I need help transitioning from one work task to another I will:

  • do 10 minutes of restorative yoga
  • do 10 minutes of oil pulling and read the paper {in paper form, not on a screen!}
  • go for a run if I have time
  • throw my mat down and practice for 30 minutes

It has been important for me to remember that investigating my relationship to my practice is as fruitful and interesting as the practice itself. When I have lamented that I am not being as consistent or committed to myself as I would like, I have been reminded by my very wise teachers that it is the desire to commit to myself that will get me back to the cushion, not because I feel like I “should”.

So now I REALLY want to hear from you! What are your morning practices and daily rituals? I would love to be inspired by you all!

31 Responses to “Self Care Sadhana…my morning ritual that changed everything…”

  1. Rachel

    This is so close to home and helpful! I have to get up at 6am just to make it to my first job and creating morning practice space for myself has been a real point of conflict. You’re so right- it has to be desire and not should. Thank you for sharing and lots of love!

    • Francesca Cervero

      You are really welcome Rachel! I am also remembering today that a morning ritual is a dynamic ever-changing relationship. Today I REALLY wanted to run before I started my day. I set my alarm for 4:20am and got in a sweet little two miler. I feel so happy right now! <3

  2. Bethany

    Love reading about your business journey Francesca! For the last 4 years my routine has been 2 glasses of water as soon as I wake up, shower, put coffee on and while it’s brewing sit for 5 minutes. I’ve worked my way up to 20 in the past, but never managed to be consistent. 5 is something I know is doable so I stick with that. Been wanting to incorporate an early AM asana practice or run before work, but can’t stop hitting the snooze button. Trying to shift from “should” to “desire” 🙂

    • Francesca Cervero

      Wonderful Bethany! The shift from “should” to desire has made all the difference for me! Sending you love in Dallas…I love your website, by the way! <3

  3. Tina lear

    Every morning I wash my face, go downstairs to where my altar is, and light the candles. I do a water offering (filling 7 bowls, while making intention to practice 7 kinds of generosity). I follow that with abhyanga (self massage with sesame oil) that also includes prayers for self compassion…I sit for about 20 to 30 minutes after that. It all takes about 45 minutes, maybe an hour.

    But it started more like 5 minutes of sitting at a time. Insight Timer (a great little app) has made all the difference. It not only lets you establish how long you want to meditate at a shot, it keeps track of how many days you’ve done it, how many days in a row (as well), and you get stars for 10, 50, 100 days in a row! I’m laughing at myself, but the child in me loves this validation…and it works. I don’t want to miss a day. I want that star. (Don’t worry–I’m onto the issue of being “attached” to stars 🙂

    But what’s even cooler about this app is that it shows you a map of the world with dots everywhere where anyone is meditating right at that moment, (just the ones who are using the app obviously). And groups have formed and you can join the groups and interact with them. I’ve discovered friends who are near me, likeminded friends. It’s amazing.

    So anyway, probably a longer response than u had in mind…but that’s my morning self care practice, along with the app that helped get me there. Much love Francesca. Thank you for this conversation .

    • Francesca Cervero

      I love this Tina! Thank you so much for sharing! I have, use, and love the Insight Timer app as well! I bet we are sitting together sometimes! I am usually on my cushion around 5am or 6am. What about you??

      • Tina lear

        Btw, check out “Guided Meditations” on insight timer. My music “savasana crickets” is a music only guided meditation. 🙂

      • Francesca Cervero

        So nice to sit with you this morning. 🙂 I love that you have a mediation/song on that app, how cool?!

  4. Tiffany

    Francesca – I have been reading your blog for a good 6-7 months now and wanted to THANK YOU so much for the help given during “The Art of the Private”. I have been teaching for 4 years and just now have found the confidence to reach out individually. I am LOVING it! The time flies by – so THANK YOU! My morning routine starts with a 5-10 minute breath meditation while still in bed, then tongue scrape, a glass (or two) of warm water with lemon, an hour walk with my pooch up a deserted trail. Just me in nature. When I come home I have kids getting ready, but love the idea of a 5-10 minute sit with myself and some journaling. I will try the app! Love all the little tidbits that start to add up and make big changes happen. THANKS so much! OH – taking the Yoga Journal for Biz webinar now – so will have a website soon! 🙂 Tiffany

    • Francesca Cervero

      You are super welcome Tiffany. Thank you for sharing your morning routine here! I love the idea of an hour walk with the pup to start the day…sounds divine.

  5. Kristi Smith

    Thanks for the great post – I’m always curious as to what other like-minded folks are doing! I wake up at 4:30 and after washing my face I hop onto the mat and do an asana practice ranging from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on where I’m at that morning. Then I meditate at my altar for 15 minutes, which is challenging as my foot ALWAYS falls asleep at the 11 minute mark! Lol…

    Then I pull a shot of espresso, set a stovetop Italian espresso pot on the stove, and prep hot water with lemon…and sit down to update my blog, check my (new) yoga forum, and otherwise do what I can to eventually transition over to a full-time yoga gig. I leave for my day job as an economist around 7:30…

    • Francesca Cervero

      That sounds like a fantastic way to start the day Kristi! Thank you so much for sharing, and best of luck on your transition. XO

  6. Denise Best

    Up at 6:00 a.m. Drink a full glass of room temperature or warm water. Eat an Ezeikiel muffin or a piece of fruit. Walk the dogs through our 7-acre wood and pick up woody debris, pile for later burning. Feed doggies. 20-60 minutes yoga ( It depends on how much time I spent in the woods! ) Abhyanga (oil body and self-massage) and shower. Twenty minutes Transcendental Meditation (see At 8:50 a.m., drive 10 minutes to town, sweep and clean studio, and teach a 9:30 a.m. yoga class. I had been quite inconsistent in my personal practice of yoga until recently (various days, times of day). I am really enjoying the benefits of a regular morning practice, which, like Francesca’s, varies in format and intensity to suit my needs for the day. Also, like Kristi, my legs would fall asleep in sitting meditation, so I have moved to a chair. Francesca, any tips on how to prevent the sleeping legs? Thanks!

    • Francesca Cervero

      What a lovely morning Denise! Getting the right seat for meditation can be tricky! I find that the way I need to sit changes all the time, depending on how my body feels that day. Sometimes I need a high, supported virasana, sometimes siddhasana is best, and sukhasana works as well. Lately I have been starting in siddhasana and moving to sukhasana about halfway through my practice. If a chair is working for you right now, that sounds good too! Let your needs dictate your seat in a fluid way. <3

  7. Claire

    I really enjoyed this post Francesca. The consistent container and freedom in it was what worked for me too. I set my alarm for 20 mins in the morning and it’s usually yin yoga. Sometimes I journal before. It’s such a luxury! I’m also glad you mentioned the point on transitions. Yes, zoning out in the spaces, I can relate to that too. I hope you’re settling well in your new place 🙂

    • Francesca Cervero

      Thanks so much Claire! It is lovely to be connected with you here 🙂

  8. Irene

    My most important commitment is no Wifi until after breakfast 🙂 I get up, take a shower, then sit down to ground myself, meditate and do my energywork, intentions, whatever I feel like doing for about 15-20 minutes. Then I make myself breakfast & tea and then my day can begin! It’s vital for me to have this time for myself before I do anything else. The other thing that really helps is clear business boundaries at the end of the day: no biz email after 6! Otherwise I just keep working until bedtime… It’s working well so far (after I’ve hit my head against the wall a few times). Thanks for this post Francesca!

    • Francesca Cervero

      Yes, this sounds awesome Irene! I like no business email after 6pm…maybe I’ll try that one too! XO

  9. Joanne

    In the winter months I have a good routine going. I wake before my kids, make my hot lemon and water. Sit so I facing sunrise come rain or shine and have half an hour to myself. I find this quiet time in the morning is my most creative. I then take my kids to school and come straight to my mat, for as long as I need of have that morning. I love to write things out and be open to the day. In the summer months I live on site with my guests and teach twice a day and need to find my way back to my space making routine. If time is short or taken with clients I always find to sit and chant for 15 mins this is great for grounded me and to self absorb and also to bring me back home. And I have no phones or electrical good in my bedroom.

    • Francesca Cervero

      I love this Joanne! And yes, my routines shift and change with the seasons as well. Thanks for mentioning that! It’s important for me to remember this is a living, breathing practice, changing all the time…sending love… <3

  10. Anita

    Hi Francesca! Thanks so much for sharing your journey. I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts. Their are very inspiring and motivating.

    I believe morning rituals are critical to our well being. I think it is important to be fluid, flexible and kind to ourselves to allow for changes to these rituals depending on what is going on in our life. I was getting up at 5am and now feel I need a bit more sleep, so I’m rising at 6am.

    I make hot water with lemon & coffee, feed cat, meditate for 20-30 minutes, say blessings to my peeps, write in my gratitude journal, 20-30 minutes of yoga. Breakfast with hubby. Leave for work. I’m the 1st one to arrive at the office and I’m full of energy!

    What has really helped me to be consistent is to plan my week. I iron a week’s worth of outfits for work, cook and prep veggies for a week (usually on Saturday morning). That way when I wake up, I don’t have to worry about any of that stuff and can focus on my Sadhana.

    I have been consistent with this for months and feel so fantastic!!

    • Francesca Cervero

      Hi Anita!! I love picturing you doing these fantastic morning rituals! Sending all my love your way…

  11. Gracy

    Beautiful and inspiring! Love the idea of the desire influencing the habit change instead of forcing ourselves to do it. That’s a powerful shift that can serve us all for a lifetime. Also the airplane mode is brilliant! Also I am back on coffee too (although I only get it when I go out) and have been feeling pretty ok too 🙂 PS so fun to see you IRL last week <3

    • Francesca Cervero

      Gracy, YOU are one of my best self care inspiration models! Thank you so much for the good work you do in the world! Everyone, check out her site here: I hope to see you again very soon! <3

      • Jeanine

        I am still working to establish my morning routine and decided to revisit this post. And then remembered you Francesca led me to Gracy and her beautiful website through this post. Both of you have played a huge part in the positive changes in my life! THANK you!!

      • Francesca Cervero

        Ah! Wonderful! You are so welcome Jeanine! Gracy is such a gem, isn’t she? XO

  12. Katricia

    I love your morning ritual Francesca!! You’ve inspired me to do the same. I just finished yoga teacher training on June 14th. This routine will help me stay focused and in touch with ME. I love it, thank you..

    • Francesca Cervero

      You are really welcome! I am so happy to have you here with us. 🙂

  13. Maddie

    First off, I love your blog and newsletters/emails Francesca! I’ve found them so useful.
    My self-care routine in the morning is this: I make myself a glass of sole (water with a teaspoon of very concentrated himalayan salt water) and head out to the porch to do my practice. I rub whatever essential oil I’m feeling that day onto the soles of my feet, then do 10-30 minutes of asana, 10 minutes of pranayama (lately I’ve been liking the Sudarshan kriya), 10-20 minutes of meditation. I switch up the order depending on how I feel that day–sometimes movement first, sometimes stillness first.
    So cool to hear others’ routines!

    • Francesca Cervero

      Thanks for sharing Maddie! I love hearing other people’s routines as well! Yours sounds lovely. <3


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